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Moved to

4 Jun

This is a final post to this blog.

I have moved to!

Hope to see you there~ ♥♥♥

Kit-Kat Time

12 Mar

my project is a mess! noesssss.

Will be on hiatus till about mid April because that’s when my FYP will be due. I actually have a bunch of backlogged outfit posts, but I figured it wouldn’t be fair much to set up scheduled posts and not be there to comment on other blogs ^^;

So, cya’ll soon! :)))

[update] I’m continuing my break till the end of April, because of a deadline extension. Much apologies! >_< Cya’ll in May!

Happy Valentine’s!

14 Feb

Electronic kisses to everyone, and a happy Chinese New Year too!

Butterflies and Teal

8 Aug

What I wore to a 21st birthday party. The theme was butterflies and teal, which made it way harder for the boys to dress up for :P

Black lace halter top ✿ Samuel & Kelvin
Grey long cardigan ✿ Bugis Village
Turquoise print skirt ✿ Sixties Inspired
Hot pink leggings (120 denier) ✿ online
Brown strap flats ✿ gift (Trendyzone)
Turquoise Buddhist necklace ✿  gift (Nepal)
Orange butterfly hair-clip ✿ made by me

The butterfly was from Spotlight at $2.50, and I simply clipped off the extra wire and wedged a small hair-clip in between the wire :P



20090806fI was quite sad because the balloon face I drew on refused to face the camera :(
The Boy won a Most Creative Outfit award (he hand-sewed his turquoise butterfly bow tie!) while I won the Most Crazy Outfit one lol

My Miss Piggy face.

I love helium balloons!

Cooped up at Home

6 Apr

I always regret my procrastinating habits at times like this… have been cooped up at home trying to complete a multitude of things in time for submissions (there is one tomorrow and I don’t even know what artwork I’m going to make and submit yet!)

So please bear with me as I descend upon erratic behaviour in posting and replying to comments here while heeding my animator lecturers’ advice that “sleep is for sissies!” XD

Meanwhile, here are some stills from an attempt at making a portfolio for my internship application… though applying this late into the game is a real gamble :P








For an animation major, I sure have a severe lack of animated pieces to show haha!